Hormonal Iud Weight Gain
Rather progestin the hormone used in the IUD can make your body hold onto more water and cause bloating much like what youd experience during a menstrual cycle. There have been no conclusive studies that show what actually causes this weight gain. Pin On Health Fitness As Mirena is a hormonal IUD there are chances of weight gain. Hormonal iud weight gain . While these studies do conflict all suggest that if weight gain does occur with the use of an IUD itsThe Mirena crash refers to one or a cluster of symptoms that last for days weeks or months after the Mirena IUD has been removed. A piece of anecdotal evidence has demonstrated that some women experience the gain of weight coincided with using an IUD of hormonal such as Mirena. By IUD people may also be referring to the intrauterine contraceptive IUC device called Mirena which differs from ParaGard because it releases hormones into the body. In most cases if a hormonal IUD does cause you to gain weight its not an increase...
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