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Four Horsemen Marriage

It takes a look at four patterns of interaction that make an incredible difference in the health of a marriage. Factor in the 9th commandment the gateway to breaking the 6th and not entirely understanding the function of the hypothalamus which regulates the other four horsemen fear aggression hunger and sex and Id say the reason for everything from divorce to unfaithfulness. The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse Empowered As soon as you see criticism or contempt galloping in remember their antidotes. Four horsemen marriage . Gottmans research indicates that if people use these Four Horsemen then their likelihood of divorcing is over 80. The more you can keep the Four Horsemen at bay the more likely you are to have a stable and happy relationship. It is not conflict itself that indicates a spoiled relationship. These four indicators also known as the four horsemen are criticism defensiveness contempt and stonewalling. The four things that really destroy marriages. Marriage un...