Nina Has The Flu And A High Fever
Fever often very high 101 or above Headache. All these illnesses are caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. Post Test Preventing Disease And Injury Flashcards Quizlet When its only the flu as with most viruses the fever fluctuates from very high to normal and your child feels much better when the fever is down. Nina has the flu and a high fever . Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Most people run a fever and high temperatures in the 103 F to 104 F range are common. Influenza hits fast. If you do experience a fever with the flu it is typically high over 100ºF 37. The flu and fever. They might have a fever that comes on suddenly with chills a headache and body aches. Fever which may be as high as 103F 394C to 105F 405C Body aches which may be severe. A fever is a common symptom of the flu virus but not everyone who gets the flu will have one. The main difference is that bronchitis doesnt come with a high fever. Her immune system is e...