
Showing posts with the label wolves

Are There Wolves In France

There are just too many wolves now says local farmer Pierrot who we meet on the way back to Gap and who lost 25 of his 250 sheep to the wolves last year. - RAYMOND ROIG AFP With 580 individuals in France gray wolves are more and more numerous on the territory according to a new census. Wolf The Reappearance Of Wolves In The Wildlife Of France Wolves in the French Alps. Are there wolves in france . In winter of 1450 Paris was invaded. But by a pack of man-eating wolves. Wolves used to be extinct in France. An official estimate suggests France is home to some 360 wolves up from roughly 300 last year. The species was exterminated from Britain through a combination of. Wolves used to roam nearly everywhere in FranceSo much so that from around the 9th century an official office if you like was created hiring wolf-catchers named Luparii to tackle the problem and protect livestock. So successful were the wolf-catchers that by the 1930s there were no more wolves in France...