Movie About Hunting Trump Supporters
The Hunt from Universal Pictures Screenshot via. The movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos Trump. Donald Trump Attacks Racist Hollywood Ahead Of Human Hunting Film The Hunt Though he did not name the movie Trump was almost certainly referring to The Hunt an upcoming blood-soaked satire starring Hilary Swank Betty Gilpin Ike. Movie about hunting trump supporters . Universal Pictures has canceled the release of the controversial and violent movie The Hunt simply saying that now is not the right time. The Hunt is billed as a dark satire about a group of privileged vacationers hunting deplorables for sport and is set to open September 27. Hollywood Film Depicts Trump Supporters Being Hunted for Sport by Liberals. By Daisy Luther. Hollywood produced an upcoming film about liberal elites systematically hunting down and killing Trump supporters in a mass civil war purge. The Hunt originally set for release in September 2019 will feature liberal or left-wing...